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Rippowam Animal Hospital

Senior Wellness

Our mission is to provide optimal care for your pet and by doing so ensuring that your pet lives happy, healthy and pain-free for as long as possible!

What is a Senior Wellness Visit?

A Senior Wellness Visit is an opportunity for the Veterinarian to thoroughly examine your pet inside and out. It gives the doctor a look at how your pet is aging and its complete physical health. These annual exams allow for early detection of abnormalities that commonly show up as a pet ages. This early detection offers the best chances for treatment and more favorable outcomes. The goal of these visits are to help your pet live as long as possible being happy, healthy and pain free.

When should you schedule a Senior Wellness Visit?

On average, you should consider starting annual Senior Wellness Visits for your small breed dogs or cats at around 9 years of age, while your larger dogs should start at around the age of 7. This is a guideline but your individual pet’s needs may vary, so speak with your veterinarian about it.

Complete our Senior Pet Questionnaire prior to your first senior wellness visit!

How Often Does Your Pet Need a Senior Wellness Visit?

Senior Wellness Visits should be scheduled annually and when possible incorporated with your pet’s annual vaccines.

What Does a Senior Wellness Visit Include?

  • A Thorough Physical Exam

  • Eye Pressure Test (for glaucoma)

  • Blood pressure Test

  • Blood Work – Chemistry, Complete Blood Count and Thyroid Panel

  • A Fecal Test

  • A Urine Test

  • A Heartworm Test

  • Abdominal Ultrasound

  • Chest and Abdominal X-rays

What is Required?

You simply call the office and request a Senior Wellness Visit. In most cases this would be a 45-minute appointment. There is a pet questionnaire that we ask you to fill out, which can be emailed to you or downloaded from the button on the left (having this form filled out prior to the visit will help reduce your time at the hospital and stress on your pet). If a drop off is the only way that fits your schedule, please fill out the questionnaire in detail prior to drop off. Either way, you are required to bring along a fecal and urine sample for the visit or drop off. It’s that simple and easy.

Our Offer

Preventative care and early detection are the keys for us to help you meet these goals. We believe so strongly in this program, we are offering a 30%* reduction of fees at the time of your visit to encourage your participation in this service.

*Please talk to your veterinarian or our staff for more information.